Site dedicated to the study

of philosophy and ethics

Jesus taught us that there are social relationships that we must avoid. And this is so because of a relationship of similarity, those who live according to the flesh seek the carnal and those who live according to the spirit seek the spiritual. The spiritual makes no sense to someone who only values money, fame, and material things, for wicked…
Do the correct thing because it is the correct thing to do, that is life in the grace of God, the spiritual gifts are goals by themselves, if we act thinking of our own benefit, trying to fit in a society sold to sin, what merit do we have?, Jesus speaks clearly to us about selfish and self-interested actions: "If…
Jesus taught us how to pray to the father: "Father,hallowed be your name,your kingdom come.Give us each day our daily bread.Forgive us our sins,for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.And lead us not into temptation" Luke 11:2-4.And part of this spiritual prayer to the Lord tells us about forgiving and being forgiven. And this is very important, because…
Jesus explained to us a spiritual mystery, wisdom has its own language and if we do not live the gift of fear of God we will never have a heart prepared to receive his teachings. The fear of God is constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, and stability.And this incapacity to understand the lenguage of wisdom, is revealed when the Pharisees asked…

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