Site dedicated to the study

of philosophy and ethics

Jesus teaches us that if we do not fear God we cannot enter into his eternal Kingdom, the goal of spirituality is to attain the likeness of God ("Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" Matthew 5:48), and the gift of fear of God is the beginning of that resemblance. There is a true and false fear, we…
The Bible teaches us that with lies came oaths; because in essence the oaths are used to give credibility to the claims of the man. A lie can be free for the one who tells it, but it can be expensive for the one who receives it, lying in many cases can become a very harmful sin. The oaths in…
We can say that there are three kinds of people, the good, the bad, and the worst, and the Holy Scriptures teach us that between the bad and the worst there is a particular relationship. The worst will always try to make the bad think like him, because perversion is like a well, everything tends downwards, perversion is a discernment.…
Jesus presents the Kingdom of God to us as a mysterious doctrine, not all who listen to Jesus can understand with their hearts. The truth is that living the spiritual gifts is not like practicing the moral virtue, spirituality begins with the fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, stability), and without this spiritual gift, all knowledge about Jesus is…

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