Site dedicated to the study

of philosophy and ethics

Our Lord Jesus invites us to the true life, to that life that fills our hearts and leaves behind that annoying feeling of emptiness. Live the spiritual gifts, this is the true message of Jesus, live the mercy (compassion, kindness), live the piety (constancy, firmness), and seek the perfections of God in all the acts of your lives: "Be perfect,…
The Psalmist begins Psalm 49 seeking the inspiration of the heart to teach with the science of wisdom, because in the Psalm the author of the book is going to explain how illusory the vanity of man is. Psalm 49 follows the teachings of the wise King Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes, men constantly strive to acquire wealth and…
In the Book of Hosea we find many references to Jesus. When in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Joseph flees with his family to Egypt in Matthew 2:13-18, the evangelist refers to a prophecy of Hosea: "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son" Hosea 11:1. After Herod's death, God would call…
Jesus teaches us that the beatitudes constitute the new alliance between God and men and the arrival of the kingdom of God between men, Jesus is the new Moses who comes to bring us a new commandment. The beatitudes perfect the Law of Moses (Exodus 20:1-17) and introduce us to a new spiritual life, that is why our Lord Jesus…

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