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Wisdom teacher Ben Sira reviews the history of the people of Israel, and dedicates a part of his book to the remarkable actions of Samuel, the prophet of God. Samuel lived during the transition from the Aristocracy, who were the judges, to the first monarchy of Israel. It corresponded to Samuel, a man devoted to God, to anoint Saul and…
The Book of Ben Sira, like all books in the Bible that teach the science of wisdom, seeks to show us the order that lies behind physical perceptions. But this order cannot be perceived rationally, but through the gift of knowledge, which is a gift from God. That is the reason of why according to sapiential books, being wise as…
The gospel is not for the proud but for the humble of heart. Those who seek the first places in the meetings and are eager to be important people cannot grasp the message of the gospel with their hearts, only those who become the last enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Self-love or the sense of self-esteem when it is very…
The Bible in its wisdom makes us a series of recommendations in particular about how we proceed with people. Knowing what people are like and being able to predict behavior is key to successful socialization. The Bible explains to us that there are two mentalities, and that we must always take this into consideration, the upright man enjoys his wisdom,…

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