Site dedicated to the study

of philosophy and ethics

Moses gave God's commandments to the Israelites, but Lord Jesus gave to his disciples the beatitudes. The beatitudes are not orders or imperatives, they are suggestions to lead a new life, a life according to the freedom of the spirit. Jesus does not tell us much about these blessings that he exposes, but then he expands on a matter of…
No one is born knowing everything, no one is born wise. For those who come into the world with a birth predisposition, in a state of spiritual pre-enlightenment, wisdom is a spiritual gift that is received in adult life through Gnosis, the spiritual birth. The Bible tells us that many prophets, including John the Baptist and Joseph the son of…
Jesus is the fulfillment of all biblical prophecies, and among these there is one particularly important.In the deuterocanonical legislation, there is a part referring to the prophets, in this section there is a prophecy that the Christian faith attributes to the Lord Jesus: "The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from…
We face life according to how we can do it, we do things according to what seems most logical to us: "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes" Proverbs 21:2. We all make use of reason, but the reason has a focus, we worship life or we worship death. That is why there is a destructive,…

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