Site dedicated to the study

of philosophy and ethics

The sapiential books like Proverbs, Psalms, or Wisdom, attributed to David and Solomon differ markedly in their didactic style from the Pentateuch attributed to Moses. The moral code of man is synthesized in the Pentateuch with the ten commandments (Exodus 20), but the moral of the sapiential books start from the teaching of Psalm 1, the Psalm of the two…
The book of proverbs in its second part gives us a set of statements that indicates the destiny that awaits us depending on whether we are wise or foolish. Happiness and success awaits the wise who have the understanding of the truth, and it is to them who we must always have as an example, the wise man takes advantage…
The gift of prophecy represents the spiritual maturity of the Christian and it is the most important gift that a believer of the kingdom of God can aspire to: "Now eagerly desire the greater gifts" 1 Corinthians 12:31. This spiritual gift, due to the weight of its mysteries, is a gift that implies years of meditation on beatitude and on…
King David entrusts his son with the construction of the first temple in Jerusalem, and before his coronation, David gives with devotion a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for the fulfillment of his pact with men, from God come all the good things, and all the perfections of the creation David says, corresponds to the sensible man the worship…

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