Site dedicated to the study

of philosophy and ethics

Life and wisdom are perfections, that is why one goes hand in hand with the other, moreover, life as a biological phenomenon is the product of that eternal and creative wisdom that acts throughout the universe. What is wisdom for?, ask people without instruction and without understanding, as if wondering how much money they make with it. Other people, on…
Wisdom teacher Ben Sira leaves us a series of tips to take into account in our dealings with others, and when we deal with our peers, everything starts from a principle, the golden rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", Matthew 7:12), we can express this rule in different ways, but the point is always…
The virtue of Hope is a spiritual search for an immaterial good, and this spiritual good is the goal of all the spiritual life of man, this charism once achieved unites us in the most perfect manner to the spirit of God, and this is the spiritual gift of eternal life. This infuse virtue accompanies faith and subsists in man…
In the Gospel of John, Jesus teaches us the spiritual foundations of Christianity, but not from the point of view of mercy (compassion, gentleness, kindness) as in the Gospel of Luke, or of the beatitudes as in Matthew, but from the point of view of the gift of eternal life.Jesus in practical terms explains that the spiritual gift of eternal…

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