The bible teach us that god is good
Jesus teaches us in the bible that "only God is good", Mark 10:18. In other words, God is the source of good, its origine: men are good because they do good things, God is not good because he does good things, but he does good things because he is good. The Bible explains that to speak about the good is to speak about God, why? Because God is the perfection itself, we cannot attribute imperfections to God. Everything that is perfect is also good, evil is a form of deprivation: "we say bad to the man deprived of virtue."
The good has a double aspect one as a Nature and another as Spiritual Gift.
The good is a nature that is a perfection, "the good lacks nothing", "is complete." Something is good when it is perfect and when you don´t need to add anything. Everyone wants his own perfection, or to say his own good. That's why the good is an end and this explains the transformation of the beings, and this is the reason that allows us to affirm that it is a nature. Example: "The fruit is good when is mature", "the house is good when it is finished.". Evil as opposed to the good, it is not a nature because in its worst grade it destroys itself, that is the cause that evil is not a nature, it is a deprivation of the good characterized by falsehood.The good is a spiritual gift because is a perfection. The spiritual gifts are perfections teach to us the bible. We attribute to God the perfections we see in the creation. The good as spiritual gift is one of his perfections."God is perfect and therefore good", he is the cause of the good, his source. Men have the liberty to choose between good and evil, or between retitude and sin. As men choose the good, the perfect and the complete, men became good, and that is integrity.
The good as a Spiritual Gift is known as Rectitude.
Rectitude is Good Judgment and Good Action. Rectitude is: Spiritual Gift of Council + Golden Rule. The Good Judgment is called Sacred Listening or Spiritual Gift of Council: listen (perceive with attention), meditate (with intuition and inspiration), decide (creatively). The Spiritual Gift of Council is known as the Emulation of God.
The Good Action is the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", this is known as imitation of God. Recall that imitate is to replicate a conduct, however Emulate is to imitate with the desire to match. Emulate is resolve capturing the personality, the spirit of God.
Case of the Golden Rule: The Good Samaritan. Luke 10: 29-37.
Cases of Sacred Listening: The tax due to the Authority, Jesus and Denarius Mark 12:14-17, Jesus and the Adulterous Woman. John 8:3-9.