The Fear of God and The Wisdom: Explanation of the Parable of the Sower
The Fear of God and The Wisdom: Explanation of the Parable of the Sower.
To explain the phrase: "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of the wisdom" Proverbs 1:7, we must explain first the meaning of the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:11).
Recall that the Fear of Jehovah is a Spiritual Gift, a perfection, not a moral value. The Spiritual Gifts are Perfections and its origin is the desire for the good, or to say desire of improvement, the taste for the wisdom.
Thomas Aquinas in his book Sum of Theology listed the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and tells us that the "Fear of God" is constancy, devotion, firmness.
The "Fear of God" is the name given in the Semitic languages to the Spiritual Gift of Serenity. The term "Word of God" means "Word of Wisdom", remember that God is metaphysically the Wisdom itself. Speaking of God is to speak about Wisdom. The wisdom is the science of the correct means to live. As Spiritual Gift the Wisdom is Love for the Truth and the Virtue.
Explanation of the Parable of the Sower:
There are four kinds of people in front of the Wisdom of God:
1) "the seed that falls on the path": those who receive the Wisdom of God and reject it immediately.
2) "the seed that falls on rocky ground": those who receive the Wisdom of God but for "lack of firmness" succumb to temptation.
3) "the seed that falls among thorns": those who receive the Word but for "lack of constancy" forget it.
4) "the seed that falls on good earth": those who receive the word, retain it and bear fruit thanks to his constancy.
Bearing fruit means to reach the state of grace (Love for the Good, Agape in greek), "fructify the spiritual gifts received from god" (7 Gifts of the Spirit).
The state of grace is achieved when the desire for the good prevails (Agape). Fructify means to reach the Major Spiritual Gifts: as the Gift of Wisdom (Love of Truth), the Gift of Understanding (reason that loves the good) and Gift of Discernment.
Those who make fructify the spiritual gifts are those that receive the Wisdom of God: retain it for a long time ( we all retain what we like), and then put into practice with constancy, firmness and this is the Spiritual Gift of the Fear of God. In short: To achieve the communion with God (Love for the good) and make fructify the spiritual gifts (7 Spiritual Gifts) we must retain the Wisdom of God and live it with consistently or Serenity. That is reason why the beginning of the Wisdom is the fear of Jehovah.